Learning More About Spider Veins
Published on January 27, 2017 by Raffi DishakjianSpider veins are basically spider-web-like dilated veins that appear near the skin’s surface. They are typically blue, purple, or red, and they are most prevalent in people above the age of fifty. Spider veins are most likely to appear on your face or legs. Most often, spider veins are likely to appear in tandem with varicose veins.
Varicose veins are normally larger as they are swollen veins filled with pooled blood. These veins can be fairly normal, but they are also severely unappealing, making a portion of your body unattractive. Spider veins are mostly harmless, but they can be symptoms of poor blood circulation and varicose vein formation.
How Do Spider Veins Come to Be?
There are numerous factors that lead to the appearance of spider veins. Genetics is one of the leading causes, and if your mom and dad have it, you are highly likely to develop it as well. Biological aging is another factor that contributes to spider veins.
Other common symptoms include regular consumption of contraceptive pills, pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, sun exposure, and obesity among other factors. People who work jobs that involve a lot of standing such as nurses, factory workers, teachers, and shopkeepers are more likely to develop spider veins than other people.
Spider veins also arise due to damaged or weak valves in your veins. When your valves do not allow blood to leave the veins, the blood will back up, causing your veins to swell. This can potentially lead to varicose veins.
Individuals with a history of blood clots are also susceptible to spider veins. In short, if the pressure in an individual’s veins increases at an above average rate, they are more susceptible to spider veins.
How Will Spider Veins Affect you?
Spider veins are harmless for the most part. Afflicted individuals could experience swelling in their legs, tiredness in the legs, skin ulcers, thrombosis, phlebitis, and a feeling of heaviness in their legs among other conditions.
Leg pain can easily be alleviated by reducing pressure on the legs. You can:
• Avoid standing or sitting for long durations.
• Reduce weight.
• Avoid crossing your legs.
• Run and exercise regularly.
• Prop up your legs when you’re resting.
• Apply sunscreen.
• Wear lightweight compression stockings.
If your symptoms don’t get better, you should consult your doctor.
How Can You Treat Spider Veins?
Currently, sclerotherapy and laser surgery are the most effective procedures for treating spider veins.
Sclerotherapy: Involves injecting a solution into the afflicted veins, causing it to collapse and improve blood flow. The solution is typically concentrated saline. This is the most common treatment option.
Laser Surgery: A strong burst of light is absorbed into the veins, causing thermocoagulation of the treated vessels and seals them from the healthy vascular system. No incisions and needles are used and your veins will gradually fade. It is more effective than sclerotherapy for smaller veins while sclerotherapy is more effective for larger veins.
In most cases, you can reduce the risk of developing spider veins through regular exercise and walking. You should also avoid sitting or standing idle for long periods.
Contact Our Office
Contact our Los Angeles Vein Center to learn more about the treatments available for spider veins. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Raffi Dishakjin, an experienced vein specialist, to learn about your options and find relief.